1 BTC = $38,684.03
$732,061,633,831.28 1.24% Bitcoin capitalization
$1,714,032,677,645.97 Cryptomarket capitalization

About us

Hashmart is a small enterprise with a global goal: now that almost everyone on the planet has a smartphone, we want each of you be able to have access to Cryptocurrencies and to the numerous advantages they can bring.

We believe in a future where you can pay with Cryptocurrencies for goods, online purchases, and even doctors’ consultations, and each person who owns Cryptocurrencies brings this moment even closer. That’s why we have focused on providing a convenient, simple cloud-mining service that is affordable for everyone.

There are crypto-enthusiasts, engineers, and representatives of various scientific fields in our team. They can provide users with a service that is aimed not only at the existing crypto-community, but also at completely new users. When we created Hashmart, this was our goal.

You can start to invest in the leading technology of this decade legally and safely today, and get a return on a daily basis. Join people from all around the world who have already acknowledged Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies, and have already made a significant profit from their investments.

In 2007, Steve Jobs changed the world by giving access to advanced technologies to everyone. Today, the team at Hashmart want to share the conveniences and benefits of Cryptocurrencies with a global audience.

Although Steve Jobs is our inspiration, we differ in one important way: cost. The first iPhone was worth $499, but the minimum price for a Bitcoin mining contract is just $4.30, making it affordable for everyone.

Contact information:

Hashmart platform operator is Newstack Industries Ltd.
Registration number: 384358 at 24.05.2018.
Address: 33 Agiou Nikolaou, office 502, 2408, Engomi, Nicosia, Cyprus
E-mail: [email protected]

Additional information:

Easy Bitcoin & Ethereum mining